Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is an annual celebration that takes place in February to raise awareness of a better, safer, more creative and empowering internet for all, and especially for children and young people.

Celebrated in more than 110 countries and organised by the European Commission, Safer Internet Day has rapidly spread over European borders and has become a must-attend event in the digital agenda.


With Safer Internet Day, digital education rhymes with positivity. The concept of online safety is enriched by the notion of a better Internet. The starting point is to highlight the advantages of the Internet, and inspire users to surf responsibly and with curiosity.

By highlighting the advantages of critical use of the Internet, we can make young people aware of the pitfalls. We need to equip children and encourage young people to think about the consequences of their actions on the Internet, so that they learn to manage the risks and maximize the opportunities of their online experience.

Take part in Safer Internet Day!

Are you a teacher or do you work with children and young people? Stay tuned and don’t miss the chance to participate in the next Safer Internet Day.

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Past editions